A message from our Chairman to our employees, customers and supply chain
At AVK Southern Africa, we are mindful of how COVID-19 is causing much concern for many people, businesses, and establishments worldwide. 01-07-2020
During this time, we want to ensure our customers continue to have access to our services and the products. Business continuity and the health of our customers, employees and partners are our primary concerns.
I am proud and inspired by the way our company has risen to this challenge with flexibility, resilience, courage and a caring heart. Thank you for your enormous contributions. Let us work together across all parts of the business to keep going.
AVK Southern Africa is fortunate to supply products and services into essential service sector infrastructure which includes Water supply, Electricity, Oil and Gas. Whilst new project work has understandably stalled, our factories have remained open to serve our essential utility customers’ requirements.
Throughout lockdown, the safety and welfare of our workforce has been our prime concern. This will continue to be the case as regulations are relaxed. In particular we are looking at ways we can deliver project services whilst complying with social distancing requirements. We have recently successfully and safely removed a DN1800 -P10 Boving Butterfly valve after 45 years in service in a cooling water application from a major petrochemical client. Our Industrial Solutions team together with our factory backing and our quality team is currently working on this project to get the valve back into service as swiftly as possible. The challenging circumstance from this exercise will form part of the future safety guidance we issue.
As our customers emerge from lockdown into a new world reality, AVK Southern Africa will be there to support you. We are committed to providing the superior service and support that you have come to expect of AVK Southern Africa. My personal goal for AVK Southern Africa, is that we harness the positivity, goodwill and co-operation achieved with our workforce, customers and supply chain during lockdown and use it to resolve the challenges we all face as we move into an uncertain but exciting future.
On a personal note, along with everyone else at AVK Southern Africa I am working hard to cope with this crisis. At times like these, the worry list can be long for all of us, there are no exceptions. But I am also convinced that we will get through this, if we do not lose our self-confidence and our energy. It is literally in our hands.
Please take care of yourselves and your loved ones. I know that we’re going to get through this, together.
Thank you
Paul Hubbard
AVK Southern Africa