AVK South Africa Network Safety Solutions
AVK Control Valve Network solutions, help toward reducing water loss by maintaining a certain pressure, flow or level control in your networks.
Mining solutions
Major mining sectors in Southern Africa includes coal, platinum, gold, copper, zinc, manganese diamonds and iron ore. Access our Mining brochure.
Oil and gas supply
Butterfly valves, amongst other products, are used extensively to service the oil, gas and petrochemical industry. Access our brochure here.
AVK product range
Get a brief introduction to AVK International and an overview of our product range for water supply, wastewater treatment, gas supply and fire protection.
AVK Water
Local product brochure
Dams, Reservoirs and Hydropower
Water Transmission Pipeline Brochure
AVK 910 Y-Strainer IOM
AVK Air Valve Series 851
AVK Ball Check Valve Series 53-50
AVK Butterfly Valve General
AVK Butterfly Valve Series 756
AVK Centric Butterfly Valve Loose Liner Series 820
AVK Check Valve Series 41
AVK Gate Valve Series
AVK Gate Valve Series 21-89
AVK Gate Valve Series 37-50-004
AVK Gate Valve Series 21 00 21 01 21 60
AVK Metal Seated Gate Valve Series 54
AVK Premier WGV 6133
AVK Silent Check Valve Series 903
AVK Under Ground Hydrant Series 29 388
ORBINOX Knife Gate Valves Directives Certificates
ORBINOX Lifting Device Models SA SL AG Stop Logs and Gates
ORBINOX Model AG Stop Gate and SL Stop Log 09 2020
ORBINOX Model CC Channel Gate 09 2020
ORBINOX Model MU Slide Gate 09 2020 IOM
ORBINOX Model RB Weir Gate 10 2020 IOM
ORBINOX Model RM Tilting Disc Check Valve IOM
ORBINOX Model SA Aluminium Stop Log 10 2020 IOM
Wouter Witzel Double Door Check User Manual Wafer ECV IOM
Wouter Witzel Dynaxe User Manual Flanged F131 F142 IOM
Wouter Witzel Econaxe User Manual Wafer and Lugged W201 L201 IOM
Wouter Witzel EuroValve User Manual Flanged Series EVFS EVFL EVUS IOM
Wouter Witzel EuroValve user Manual Wafer Series EVS EVBS EVBLS EVCS EVTLS EVMS EVML IOM
Install Base Africa - Dams, Reservoirs & Hydro Schemes
The reference list can be used as valuable sales tool indicating our involvement in the Water Industry from as early as 1913 right through to 2021. Showcasing various projects where AVK through their reputable and well-known brands reconfirms AVK’s commitment to the water industry.
Water Reference List
The AVK Water reference list showcases installations and our commitment to take potable water from transmission pipelines into reservoirs and from there into every tap in every home.
Industrial Reference List
AVK through our R&D and vast experience took a confident leap into the industrial market segment. AVK up to this point was very focused on the Water Industry and now have expanded our footprint into the industrial arena with great success and through strategic acquisitions secured well known and reputable brands with products to adequately support and advance the industrial segment.
Wastewater treatment
Get a complete overview of our valves and accessories for wastewater treatment including full information about their features and benefits
Fire protection
Get a complete overview of our valves, hydrants and accessories for fire protection including full information about their features and benefits
Gas supply
Get a complete overview of our valves and accessories for gas supply including full information about their features and benefits
Corporate brochure
The AVK Group’s core business is within water, gas, wastewater and fire protection, but the Group entails much more – get the full overview.
Financial report
Lates updates from the financial year and the current AVK Group of companies.
District metered areas solutions
Dividing a network into sections by making District Metered Areas is an effective tool to prevent water loss and to do active NRW Management.
Non-revenue water
In the long run, a sustainable approach to clean water supply does not cost money – it saves money, for utilities as well as for consumers.
AVK Smart Water Software Solution
AVK Smart Water IoT sensor brochure
AVK Manufacturing SABS
Quality assurance system
Silver Membership Certificate
AVK Industrial (Pty) Ltd
ISO 45001:2018
AVK Manufacturing (Pty) Ltd
ISO 45001:2018
AVK Holdings South Africa (Pty) Ltd
ISO 45001:2018
Cementation Engineering (Pty) Ltd
ISO 45001:2018
Premier Mining (Pty) Ltd
ISO 45001:2018
Premier Valves (Pty) Ltd
ISO 45001:2018
Premier Valves Engineering South Africa (Pty) Ltd
ISO 45001:2018
AVK Industrial (Pty) Ltd
ISO 9001:2015
AVK Manufacturing
ISO 9001:2015
AVK Holdings South Africa (Pty) Ltd
ISO 9001:2015
Cementation Engineering (Pty) Ltd
ISO 9001:2015
Premier Mining (Pty) Ltd
ISO 9001:2015
Premier Valves Engineering South Africa (Pty) Ltd
ISO 9001:2015
Premier Valves (Pty) Ltd
ISO 9001:2015